
Not updated since 2014.

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  • M. Koot, M. Mandjes, G. van 't Noordende, C. de Laat, "A probabilistic perspective on re-identifiability", Journal of Mathematical Population Studies: an international journal on mathematical demography, Vol. 20, Issue 3, August 2013, pp. 155-171. web
  • G.J. van 't Noordende, "Comments on the definition of personal information and on the (re)use of personal information in anonymous or pseudonymised form in the proposed general data protection regulation." A commentary. April 30, 2013. pdf
  • Evert Mouw, Guido van 't Noordende, Baas Louter, Silvia Delgado Olabarriaga, "A Model-based Information Security Risk Assessment Method for Science Gateways", International workshop on science gateways (IWSG) 2013, Zurich, June 3-5 2013. [Online proceedings (CEUR),]( pdf
  • N.D. Jebessa, G.J. van 't Noordende, C.T.A.M. de Laat, "Towards purpose-driven virtual machines", Proc. Int'l Symp. Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS) doctoral symposium, 2013, Paris, France, Feb. 27, 2013 pdf


  • Evert Mouw, Guido van 't Noordende, Antoine H.C. van Kampen, Baas Louter, Mark Santcroos, Silvia D. Olabarriaga "Legal constraints on genetic data processing in European grids". Proc. HealthGrid 2012, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Appeared in: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 175, 2012, pp. 49 - 58


  • Guido J. van 't Noordende, "Controlled dissemination of Electronic Medical Records", Proc. 2nd USENIX Workshop on Health Security and Privacy (HealthSec'11), San Francisco, CA, 2011 pdf
  • Guido J. van 't Noordende, Silvia D. Olabarriaga, Matthijs R. Koot, Cees Th.A.M. de Laat, "Trusted Data Management for Grid-Based Medical Applications", in E. Udoh, Eds. "Cloud, Grid, and High Performance Computing", IGI Global, 2011, Chapter 13, p.208-220.
  • Guido van 't Noordende, "Beyond informed consent: Practical approaches for managing consent and fine-grained authorization in large-scale electronic medical record systems", 4th Int'l Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2011), Brussels, Belgium, January 25-27, 2011. (Panel talk and poster) (updated abstract, pdf)


  • Guido van 't Noordende, "Security in the Dutch Electronic Patient Record System", 2nd ACM Workshop on Security and Privacy in Medical and Home-Care Systems (SPIMACS), Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 8, 2010. (co-located with ACM CCS). pp. 21-31. pdf
  • Matthijs R. Koot, Guido van 't Noordende, Cees de Laat, "A Study on the Re-Identifiability of Dutch Citizens", 3rd Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs 2010), PETS workshop, Berlin, Germany, July 21 - 23, 2010. pdf

Updated version of HotPETS paper: pdf (Quasi-identifier table updated with entry for gender, year of birth, PC4).

  • Guido J. van 't Noordende, "A Security Analysis of the Dutch Electronic Patient Record System", Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2010), Brussels, Belgium, Jan. 29 2010 (talk). Published as Technical Report UVA-SNE-2010-01, March 2010.

More information about the Dutch EPD system can be found here.


  • Guido J. van 't Noordende, Benno J. Overeinder, Reinier J. Timmer, Frances M.T. Brazier, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, "Constructing Secure Mobile Agent Systems using the Agent Operating System", Int. J. Intelligent Information and Database Systems (IJIIDS), Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 363-381, Inderscience, 2009. pdf
  • Guido J. van 't Noordende, Silvia D. Olabarriaga, Matthijs R. Koot, Cees Th.A.M. de Laat, "A Trusted Data Storage Infrastructure for Grid-Based Medical Applications", International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, Vol. 1, Issue 2, April-June 2009, pages 1-14. web


  • Guido J. van 't Noordende, Silvia D. Olabarriaga, Matthijs R. Koot, Cees Th.A.M. de Laat. "A Trusted Data Storage Infrastructure for Grid-based Medical Applications", Workshop on Security, Trust and Privacy in Grid Environments (STPG), Proc. Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid), Lyon, France, 2008. pp. 627-632. pdf presentation
  • Guido J. van 't Noordende, Silvia D. Olabarriaga, Cees T.A.M de Laat, "Safe and Controlled Data Sharing using Process Confinement", Workshop on Information Assurance for the Grid: Crossing boundaries between stakeholders, UK e-Science All-Hands Metting (AHM 2008), (talk), Sept. 8-11, 2008, Edinburgh, UK.


  • Guido J. van 't Noordende, Benno J. Overeinder, Reinier J. Timmer, Frances M.T. Brazier, Andrew S. Tanenbaum. "A Common Base for Building Secure Mobile Agent Middleware Systems", Proc. 2nd Int'l Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT), Wisla, Poland, Oct. 15-17, 2007. pp. 13-25. pdf [ps]
  • Guido van 't Noordende, Adam Balogh, Rutger Hofman, Frances M.T. Brazier, Andrew S. Tanenbaum. "A Secure Jailing System for Confining Untrusted Applications", Proc. 2nd International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), Barcelona, Spain, July 28-31, 2007. pp. 414-423. ps [pdf]
  • Guido van 't Noordende, Frances M.T. Brazier, Andrew S. Tanenbaum. "Guarding Security Sensitive Content using Confined Mobile Agents", 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Seoul, Korea, March 11-15, 2007. Track on Agents, Interactions, Mobility and Systems (AIMS). ps [pdf]


-G.J. van 't Noordende, A. Balogh, R.F.H. Hofman, F.M.T. Brazier, A.S. Tanenbaum. "A Secure and Portable Jailing System", Technical report IR-CS-025, Vrije Universiteit, October 2006. A more detailed paper about the jailing system than the SECRYPT'07 paper. Please request access from the first author.


  • Guido J. van 't Noordende, Frances M.T. Brazier, Andrew S. Tanenbaum. "Security in a Mobile Agent System", First IEEE Symposium on Multi-Agent Security and Survivability, Philadelphia, August 2004. ps [ps.gz] pdf


  • Guido van 't Noordende, Frances M.T. Brazier, Andrew S. Tanenbaum "A Security Framework for a Mobile Agent System", Proceedings of the 2nd Int'l Workshop on Security of Mobile Multiagent Systems (SEMAS-2002), Bologna, Italy, July 16, 2002. DFKI Research Report RR-02-03 pp. 43-50. ps
  • Guido van 't Noordende, Frances M.T. Brazier, Andrew S. Tanenbaum "Mansion: A Structured Middleware Environment for Agents", 3rd International SANE Conference, May 27 - 31, 2002, Maastricht, The Netherlands (poster abstract). ps


  • Guido van 't Noordende, Frances Brazier, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen "Position Statement: Mansion, A Distributed Multi-Agent System", Eighth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-VIII), Elmau, Germany, May 20-22, 2001, p. 183.
  • G.J. van 't Noordende, F.M.T. Brazier, A.S. Tanenbaum, M. van Steen "ROAM: Room-based Object-based Agent Middleware". Proc. 7th Annual ASCI Conference, Belgium, May 2001, pp. 142-146 (ROAM was a temporary name for Mansion).

Invited talks


  • "De nieuwe jeugdwet: recht als kind van de rekening" - debat over rechtsaspecten van de transitie jeugdzorg met (ervarings)deskundigen, juristen, politici en bestuurders - Rode Hoed, Amsterdam - 14 maart 2014


  • "On the definition of personal data, pseudonyms and anonymous data: possible loopholes in the proposed Eureopean Data Protection Regulation". Invited talk, Privacy Platform, Brussels, Wed. June 19, 2013. Platform program title: "What are personal data? Identification and singling out in the context of the Data Protection Reform Package". Other speakers: Simon Davies (Privacy International) and Peter Hustinx (EDPS). Hosted by Sophie in 't Veld (MEP).
  • Awesome.IT conference "Privacy and security in the Dutch EPD", Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 12, 2013 web
  • G.J. van 't Noordende, "Data liberation and e-Health: a double-edged sword.", document freedom day, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium, March 27, 2013. pdf
  • VMBI helemaal-bij-sessie LSP als kostenbespaarder?: "Schaal en (security) economics", Zorg-ICT beurs, Utrecht, 14 maart 2013.
  • Expert panel roundtable electronic patient record, Dutch house of representatives / Tweede Kamer, 6 maart 2013.
  • "Privacy and security for medical applications (or: taking responsibility for privacy protection)", Surf research and innovation event (Surf-RIE) feb. 28, 2013, Den Haag, the Netherlands.
  • Amsterdamse Academische Club, Debat "Het Elektronisch Patienten Dossier: gevaar of noodzaak?" G.J. van 't Noordende (UvA) en Wilna Wind (NPCF), Jan. 24 2013.
  • Discussieavond EPD LHV huisartsenkring Amsterdam met o.a. Paul Habets (LHV), Amsterdam, 17 januari 2013.


  • NBIC BioAssist, "Security aspects of research data", Utrecht, 14 december 2012. web
  • Privacycafé Felix Meritis, 23 maart 2012. programma
  • Forumdiscussie voor- en nadelen van het LSP, ALV Huisartsen, Ede, 12 april 2013.
  • "Medische privacy onder druk". Internet Society Nederland (ISOC), Amsterdam, Feb. 21, 2012


  • Privacy en beveiliging in het Elektronisch Patienten Dossier. Utrecht, Juridisch Studenten Contres - privacy en recht, Nov. 18, 2011.
  • First International Health Privacy Summit, Washington DC, U.S.A., June 13, 2011. (speakers).
  • CPDP 2011, "European Data Protection: In Good Health?" - Invited panelist "Privacy Issues of eHealth" (moderated by Sjaak Nouwt). 4th Int'l Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP 2011), Brussels, Belgium, January 25-27, 2011


  • Amsterdam Platform for Privacy Resarch (APPR), UvA, 13 december 2010.
  • Update your IT controls congres, Norea, Ermelo, the Netherlands, Nov. 17-18, 2010. (see also interview IT auditor vol. 1, 2011, web)
  • 63e AUV dag Universiteit van Amsterdam, Binnengasthuis, Amsterdam, Nov. 6, 2010.
  • Rondetafeldiscussie elektronisch patiëntendossier en Wetsvoorstel 31466, Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal, 22 maart 2010. beschrijving

Diverse related

  • Guest lecture Honours master privacy, University of Amsterdam, 2011 and 2012.
  • Guest lecture security M.Sc. computer science, University Utrecht, Utrecht, 2012, 2013.

Related publications

  • M. Koot: "Measuring and predicting anonymity", Ph.D. dissertation, University of Amsterdam, 2012. (Co-supervised with Cees de laat and M. Mandjes). pdf
  • M. Koot: Kwantificatie van herleidbaarheid (vakblad PvIB / informatiebeveiliging nr. 7, 2012) pdf
  • R. Coca: Security enhancement of GridFTP: Description and Measurements, SNE technical report 2011-01 pdf
  • N. van Eijk, G.J. van 't Noordende, B. Roessler, E.R. Lindgren, B. van der Sloot "Privacy position paper (APPR)", APPR/UvA, 2010 pdf
  • G.J. van 't Noordende. "AOSv3 (internal) design notes / API specification (2005)" [ps] The AOSv3 kernel was designed for the Mansion mobile agent system and is actively used in the AgentScape agent middleware sytem. See 2007 and 2009 publications for more information.

Student theses

  • M. Wajer: "Securing desktop grids", B.Sc. Thesis, University of Amsterdam, August 2012. pdf
  • B. Hoekstra, N. Monen, "Trustworthiness of Cyber Infrastructure for e-Science", student thesis, SNE/UvA, 2010. pdf
  • I. Zupancic. "Redesigning a Linux Jailing System", Bachelor Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2009. pdf
  • J. Kamphorst. "Resource management in een Linux jailing systeem", B.Sc. Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2008. pdf